Hyperfixations. I got 'em.
I'm a late-diagnosed autistic #witch, and my #diagnosis has helped me dive into my inherent spirituality more than any other single event in my life.
I've always been #spiritual, always seeking that deep bliss that I associated with #Jesus when I was little, but later came to recognize it as my own soul in #alignment with itself and life itself.
I've always been #autistic, too, but I didn't know it until I was in my late 40s.
My #spiritguides have revealed to me that in the time before civilization (over 90% of the time we've been #modernhumans), #autism was regarded as a special connection to the #divine. Instead of being #ridiculed and coerced or forced into #conformity, autistic people were trained from childhood in the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful, healthy conduit between the community and #Spirit.
But #civilization has no need for its members to have a personal relationship with the divine, does it? Nope, not unless it serves the dominant #religion.
So, yeah, I think about the link between autism and #spirituality constantly. It's my #hyperfixation, I guess.